Europe's leading source For routing, sawing, drilling and other woodworking tools
Shop our extensive selection of high-quality, innovative woodworking tools, jigs, equipment and accessories for dedicated DIY and professional woodworkers. Discover over 10,000 popular and unique products - shipped worldwide.
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A specialised supplier of woodworking tools for over 20 years
Are you an ambitious woodworker, carpenter or joiner? Do you have high quality standards for all your work with wood? Here you will find high-quality tools for woodworking. We offer products from well-known manufacturers from Germany and abroad, such as Festool, Mafell, Trend or Kreg.
Specialists in the fields of routing, sawing and drilling in wood, we offer you a very comprehensive range of woodworking tools. In addition to the routers, you will find all router bits and related accessories for carpenters and joiners, as well as for private users. More than 3.000 routers bits in professional quality guarantee a top selection. You are sure to find the right router tool for your timber project.
You will similarly find a wide range of saw blades. For every imaginable application and size we offer all professional wood craftsmen the right circular saw blade for precise cuts.
One of our core competences is the area of building router tables ourselves. In our online shop you will find all the components you need to build a router table - from the base frame to profile rails and fences. For those who are looking for a complete solution, we also offer complete router table sets. The OFL router lifts are a product developed by us and 100% Made in Germany. The OFL3.0 pivoting lift is unique on the market.
New with us is the complete range of CNC products. In addition to a mobile and very flexible CNC router machine, you will also find online specialist CNC bits, collets and all accessories for CNC machining. We believe in the future of CNC and therefore we will expand this offer in the future.
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Do you need help in choosing the right woodworking tool? Call us - experienced specialists and qualified carpenters will be happy to help you!
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